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Mentoring Entrepreneurs Striving For Growth

Utilizing From My Global Ventures

After 3 decades of entrepreneurship with many ups and downs, during which I could built and scale 10+ companies with together 8k+ employees, including 2 IPOs and 30+ venture investments, I feel the time has come to support other business owners and entrepreneurs as they pursue success.


How You'll Benefit

As a mentee, you will experience a relationship from entrepreneur to entrepreneur that is based on absolute confidentiality, a high level of trust and a deep social bond.


We will extract the respective topics in mentoring together, depending on what you currently need for the next growth step for your company or for yourself as a leader.


As we address all the key challenges for your growth, you will gradually become an increasingly satisfied entrepreneur.


In addition, I use these two tools when and where necessary, which have been proven to bring entrepreneurs the desired success, passion and satisfaction.


Discover Your North Star In Life.

With the North Star Pilot, entrepreneurs discover what they really want in life based on their core values and priorities.


Entrepreneurs get clarity for their goals with their ventures, personal life, partnership and family, and their role in the community.


I then support them to achieve these goals so that they become a better version of themselves in all aspects of their lives.


Make your company bloom.

With Bloom Growth, companies can grow much faster and, above all, with much less effort. 

Bloom is a modern and advanced system compared to Scaling Up or EOS. As a business operating system, it enables companies to optimize collaboration and increase success.

With the resulting boost in efficiency and effectiveness, you can achieve the desired alignment, scaling and growth. 

Fo Whom?

Who Is This For

My mentoring is aimed at entrepreneurs who have already achieved their first revenue millions and are now striving for the next growth phase with ambition and passion.

I would love to have all entrepreneurs as mentees who can benefit from my experience and inspiration, but I can only take on a handful of mandates at a time.  So please apply to see if we are a good fit. 

Mentoring On Eye Level


No pure coaching (i.e. mainly asking questions) and no pure consulting (i.e. mainly giving answers), but a collaboration at eye level, from entrepreneur to entrepreneur, based on trust and respect, by sharing experiences, thinking along as a sparring partner and supporting you with full enthusiasm and passion, focussed on your success as entrepreneur.

What other say


Hear from other entrepreneurs who have been on the journey with Frank Gessner.

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